Ricotta Cheese

I like to try new things. This is a true statement although sometimes it doesn’t appear as such. The reason being is that I am also tentative to try new things. It’s not that I am afraid, it is just easier to do things that I already know how to do. For example, I love to bake. I love to bake on Sundays in particular and yet, there are still many baked goods that I have yet to set out and conquer. The same thing is true for making cheese.

I received a cheese making kit for my birthday last year. I soon found out that making hard cheeses was going to be very time consuming. I made yogurt and that was super easy but knew I wanted to make an actual cheese.

I finally decided to make ricotta cheese as it is one of the easiest cheeses to make. You really only need a pot, a thermometer, and some cheesecloth so I didn’t have to worry about numerous steps. It was super easy. I ended up using it for lasagna.


My next cheese I will attempt is mozzarella. It is another easy cheese to make and it will be a staple in my household with the fresh garden tomatoes that will be in season very soon.

I am trying to get better at baking or making new things. It is a constant work in progress, but as long as I continue to try my hand at new skills & be willing to fail, I think I will be ok.

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