Rats are not Abhorrent

When I was younger I went to this Chinese restaurant by my dance studio occasionally. They had place mats with the Chinese zodiac on them and this is where I discovered I was born in the year of the rat. Although at the time I would simply say, I am a rat. I always wanted a better animal. Who wanted to be a rat? They are abhorrent. Anyhow, there was a description to go along with each animal and part of mine said, “seldom makes lasting friendships.” Even when I was younger I knew that had a hint of truth. I did have a few close friends but eventually we would drift apart.

As I got older this continued. I would have a few select friends but we would always drift apart over the years. I had one close friend in NC from junior high through high school, but once I stopped going there our friendship slowly ceased. In MN, I had a few close friends but ended up drifting away from them because I was in a relationship.

In this relationship I had found my new best friend. I more or less left my friends and eventually gained his friends. However, this relationship also ended. And the friends I gained I lost. I lost all in real life. Some defriended me on social media as well, but some remained my friends via the internet although that meant nothing. Everyone moved on with their lives.

As I go on with life, I find it interesting that to some I am not supposed to move on. To these “friends” on social media, who are no longer my real friends, that feel the need to tell me something, just let it go. The choices I made had nothing to do with you. Yes, I understand whose side you took and why we are no longer friends, but the way my life turned out has nothing to do with you. It had to do solely with the people involved.

Do I think that I will never have a lasting  friendship or relationship since I am a rat? No. Are rats abhorrent? No. The Chinese zodiac just relates each year to an animal and certain attributes. Many of the rats attributes are quite ideal. I think life is what we make of it and we have to live it to the fullest. That being said there are consequences to all choices we make and one must be able to live with them and move on in life.

I will move on in life because that is what life is about. Making choices, moving on, living, & being as happy as one can be. Is my life perfect? Definitely not. But it is my life and I love where it is going. Things are looking more and more rosey all the time.


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