Comfort Food

I have been absent from writing & baking for a bit. It isn’t because I want to be but rather because I have no Internet where I am staying. I do have my phone so hopefully this goes through. For those of you who are interested I have landed my dream job in a dream location. This has caused me to temporarily live with someone until I can get a place of my own. Thus, I was only able to bring up a small amount of items to get by and all my baking equipment and supplies stayed down south.

The person with whom I am staying has gone deer hunting as I imagine most people up here have done. After all, Deer Monday or Deer Day (the Monday following deer opener) is a school holiday. This weekend I am all alone. My guy is also off hunting so he did not come up to visit. The weather is also quite crisp and there was a slight snowfall yesterday & today. To warm myself up and be comforted by one of my favorite foods, I decided to make a pot pie with what I had on hand.

Directions: Preheat oven to 375F. Chop 1 onion and 2 stalks of celery. Add to sauté pan with 2tsp olive oil. Cook over medium heat for 5min. Meanwhile, peel and chop 3 large carrots. Add carrots to pan, cover, turn heat down to low.

Bring a pot of water to boil & add 2-3 potatoes depending on the size. Boil for 30min or until cooked through. Remember to move your pan veggies around every so often. Cube or shred 8oz of cooked chicken. Once the potatoes are done, drain the water. Add milk and yogurt & mash until desired consistency.

Add a concentrated chicken stock and 1/2C water to the veggies with pepper to taste. Add the chicken & transfer to a baking dish. Top with mashed potatoes and bake for 30-40 minutes. Serves two or one person twice.

photo-potpie top photo-potpie


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