Beet & Millet Salad with Goat Cheese



The one thing I have realized since moving up north to Almost Canada is how much I took for granted the convenience of city life. I didn’t even live in the “city,” I lived 30-60minutes away from many conveniences. I was, however, able to access  what I needed with fairly minimal effort. My fishing guide is now showing signs of annoyances as well. Why is it so hard to get groceries? Why cannot one get CO2 for brewing beer? The list goes on.

Now I drive 2 hrs for many supplies including groceries. I know, I know…I’ve complained a lot about this. This time it is for real though. I cannot find goat cheese even when I do travel for groceries. I love cheese. I love all cheese. I especially love goat cheese. There was (1) 4oz pack and I bought it. I also bought beets.

I cannot remember the first time I had fresh beets. I was always exposed to canned beets & thought them vile. I tried them fresh sometime in my early 20’s & fell in love them. To me they taste kind of like earthy corn. Sweet, earthy, & I don’t know what else. They taste delicious. That’s all that counts.

Seeing as how I am the only one to enjoy beets in my household I knew that I could do whatever I wanted with them. I was not going to share any of the goat cheese either. I decided to make a salad with the greens of the beets, a beet, and some millet that I also picked up. It is similar to couscous or quinoa, but tastes a bit like corn, so I thought it would pair perfectly with the beets. Then, I would top it with goat cheese. A shining moment in the annoyances of shopping in Almost Canada.

While I know that these frustrations will be on-going, I also know that it is all worth it. I traded some luxuries & conveniences of life for luxuries & conveniences of another. Small town living has it’s disadvantages, but when I think about where I live and everything it offers, I can accept some grievances I have. I even have a pen on my property so maybe I will raise my own goats and have a constant supply of cheese.

Beet & Millet Salad with Goat Cheese

  • 1 onion, chopped
  • leaves from 1 bunch beets, roughly chopped
  • 1 beet
  • 1/4 millet
  • olive oil
  • rice vinegar
  • 1 oz goat cheese
  1. Chop the top and bottom off of the beet. Wrap the beet in aluminum foil and bake for 60 min in a 400F oven. Let sit in foil until slightly cooled and peel off skin (you can use the foil to scrape it off or run it under cool water and peel it off). Chop into bite-sized chunks.
  2. Meanwhile, cook the millet. Bring to a boil 1/2cup water and add the millet. Cover & reduce heat to simmer for 20 minutes or until water is absorbed.
  3. Saute the onion in a small amount of olive oil until caramelized. Add the beet greens & sauté until wilted. Stir into the cooked millet. Add the beets. Drizzle with olive oil & rice vinegar. Top with goat cheese.



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