Beer Cozy


About two years ago I was in the process of buying a house and thus had no money for presents, or rather, not a lot of money for presents. I wanted to buy my guy something special since he had been so good to me during that stressful process.

I decided to try and make a gift. I was searching online for homemade gifts which is how I found the idea for a Beer Cozy or Coozie, Koozie, Coosie, or any other spelling you prefer. I thought, I could make that. I didn’t know how to knit in the round at that time, but they don’t have to have a bottom, they could be sleeves. So I figured out the measurements and went to it. Basically you just figure out how big of a rectangle you need (long enough to cover the majority of the can and wide enough to wrap around it) and knit as normal. Once completed you just thread some yard through the edges to cinch it tight.

I bought four different types of yarn so I could make a few. I made two for bottles (or large cans) and two for regular 12oz cans. For the bottles I went with a camo & blaze orange and the cans I made a cozy that resembles a football and did one in the Vikings colors. I am quite pleased with how they turned out. Some fit better than others but overall I think they turned out quite nicely considering I hadn’t knit in a long time.

They don’t get used much during the summer months but now that the weather is cooling down and football season has started, they are actually being put to good use again.



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