Football Sunday or rather Baking Sunday

If you know me at all than you know I am not fond of sports. I find them boring. I do like hockey, but not for such a long season. I only like it in small quantities. I also like going to baseball games but that really only consists of one game a year. The game I cannot stand though, which America loves, is football. This game drives me crazy. It is so dreadfully boring that I want to tear my hair out. I have never liked it as a child and nothing has changed as I got older. Most people like this game and that includes my other half.

He likes Football Sunday. I tried to watch a game once but ended up being super annoying by talking throughout it and complaining the whole time. It was at this point that I decided that I would use Football Sunday to make food or bake or whatever I felt like doing project wise. It is a win-win situation now for the both of us.

Last Sunday was the first time that I got a chance to get my bake on. I was in the kitchen for about 5 hours. It was amazing. I made two different kinds of Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (which I just previously posted in my Battles of Baked Goods). I also made Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins and some cute halloween treats.


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So even though I cannot stand football, it does give me some time to spend in the kitchen doing the things that I love. Baking. Relaxing. Thinking. Being in the kitchen for me is sometimes like going to a Zen place. I cannot quite explain it.

Rats are not Abhorrent

When I was younger I went to this Chinese restaurant by my dance studio occasionally. They had place mats with the Chinese zodiac on them and this is where I discovered I was born in the year of the rat. Although at the time I would simply say, I am a rat. I always wanted a better animal. Who wanted to be a rat? They are abhorrent. Anyhow, there was a description to go along with each animal and part of mine said, “seldom makes lasting friendships.” Even when I was younger I knew that had a hint of truth. I did have a few close friends but eventually we would drift apart.

As I got older this continued. I would have a few select friends but we would always drift apart over the years. I had one close friend in NC from junior high through high school, but once I stopped going there our friendship slowly ceased. In MN, I had a few close friends but ended up drifting away from them because I was in a relationship.

In this relationship I had found my new best friend. I more or less left my friends and eventually gained his friends. However, this relationship also ended. And the friends I gained I lost. I lost all in real life. Some defriended me on social media as well, but some remained my friends via the internet although that meant nothing. Everyone moved on with their lives.

As I go on with life, I find it interesting that to some I am not supposed to move on. To these “friends” on social media, who are no longer my real friends, that feel the need to tell me something, just let it go. The choices I made had nothing to do with you. Yes, I understand whose side you took and why we are no longer friends, but the way my life turned out has nothing to do with you. It had to do solely with the people involved.

Do I think that I will never have a lasting  friendship or relationship since I am a rat? No. Are rats abhorrent? No. The Chinese zodiac just relates each year to an animal and certain attributes. Many of the rats attributes are quite ideal. I think life is what we make of it and we have to live it to the fullest. That being said there are consequences to all choices we make and one must be able to live with them and move on in life.

I will move on in life because that is what life is about. Making choices, moving on, living, & being as happy as one can be. Is my life perfect? Definitely not. But it is my life and I love where it is going. Things are looking more and more rosey all the time.


Finding the Silver Lining or at least a Silver Catfish

About two weeks ago I had an allergic reaction to my migraine medicine. This was a sample med and I had never taken it before. Unfortunately, it had an ingredient in it that as an adult I have suddenly become allergic to when taken with a few other things. These items are: caffeine, the perfect timing between caffeine and said ingedient, and a mysterious third ingedient to be determined.

I took this medicine as I was supposed to go to work and I had a migraine. After about 20 minutes, my lips felt hot and tingly. This is the first sign of my allergic reactions. I went into the bathroom and they were starting to swell. I grabbed some anti-histamines, took them, and prayed. I prayed that they would do the trick so that my throat wouldn’t swell too much resulting in the use of my stab-me-pen (EpiPen). It worked well enough, but I spent the whole day on the couch with a puffy face and puffy lips constantly dosing myself with anti-histamines.

Finally at about 4:30 I decided that I should get some fresh air hoping it would make me feel better. Thus my fishing guide and I decided to go catfishing nearby as we are in a contest to catch the largest catfish. (It should be noted that I was supposed to work until at least 5PM so that the earliest I could have gotten home was 6PM. Therefore, going fishing this early would definitely not have been an option).

We got to the river at about 5PM and set ourselves up. At about 5:30, my fishing guide had a bite. He asked if I wanted it and I said it was his fish. He set the hook and asked again cause it was surely a cat (catfish). I said OK and started to reel in. It was my first catfish! We grabbed the measuring tape and it was 23×13 inches. Not too shabby!

cat1 It was a bit hard to hold this creature down and I was not about to stick my hand in its mouth like some people do. Only a few moments later did my line go off and I grabbed my rod and started to reel in again. This one was smaller (23×10.5in) but put up more of a fight which is always fun.

cat2 Both of these catfish were on the brown color scheme. I had never caught a catfish before this day and now I reeled in two and can definitely say one was all mine. Every other time before this when I would go catfishing I would catch carp, so I was ecstatic that I could finally put some entries in this contest.

About 30 minutes later, my line went off again. My rod almost went into the water before I could grab it. I did catch it and my line started taking off. I learned early to let it go a bit before you start fighting back but it almost took all my line off my spool completely! I started fighting it towards shore and it was a slow and tiring process. This fish would not give up. Finally I got it to shore and we, the fish and I, were both exhausted. This one was 27x15in! The biggest cat of the day and I was so proud to call myself “Queen of the Cats” for this day.


This fish was more silver and blue in color and I thought it was beautiful. It should be noted that the contest is a catch and release contest, so all of these fish were released back into the river and swam away happily (well happy to get away). All three of these fish put me in 23rd place at the time for channel catfish. I was thrilled considering I had never caught one before this day.

This day started off horribly. Having an allergic reaction is horrible, especially one that affects your mouth and throat area. If I had not had this happen to me, however, I would not have caught these three fish as I would have been working and missed my window of opportunity (we didn’t catch any fish later in the evening).

Sometimes it is hard to see how anything good can come from something bad. Sometimes it is hard to find the silver lining. In this case though I did. I found the silver lining and it came in the form of a big silver catfish.


Shrimp Bowls & Pea Soup

I’m stubborn. Sometimes it is for the smallest and most stupid things and sometimes it means something more. Some people tell me it is due to my German heritage. Some say it is due to my upbringing. Maybe it is just a poor character trait. Whatever the reason I have had two standoffs.  One was for a shrimp bowl that I won (and rightfully so I might add), and the other was for some leftover pea soup that I needed to take care of but just could not bring myself to do it. Let’s start with the shrimp bowl. It was a few years back and as I write this I cannot remember how it even began. That is how stupid it was – no recollection of the real events that led up to it. Just a memory of me being stubborn but winning in the end.

The shrimp bowl was a bowl of shrimp in the fridge that ended up starting to smell since it had gotten pushed to the back of the fridge. Perhaps it was my suggestion to put it outside until garbage day. It ended up outside and there it sat for about 3 months. Yes, three whole months. It, the shrimp, ended up drying out and adhering to the bowl. I refused to take care of it as it was not my bowl of shrimp. Friends would stop by and ask about it. I would reply that it was a shrimp standoff. Why was I so adamant about not cleaning up this measly bowl of shrimp? I have no idea except for the fact that it wasn’t my responsibility and maybe I found some sort of amusement in seeing how long this would go on. It was cleaned up by the person responsible and I felt validated. Stubbornly validated.

Flash forward to this year. I made a batch of pea soup for a guy who hates peas but likes pea soup. This was also Easter weekend so there were plenty of other leftovers to be eaten as well. Needless to say only half of the soup got eaten, a week had passed, and it needed to be tossed. Before I knew it another week had passed and somehow it had become a month. I looked in the fridge and this leftover container (a giant pot really) had somehow got forgotten and pushed into fridge oblivion.

I knew this needed to be dealt with but I did not want to open this container to face the possible smell & to find out what the soup had morphed into. I tried to tell myself that I shouldn’t have to deal with it. I made it for someone else. He should deal with it. I did say that I would deal with it earlier so had already committed to it. Plus, he couldn’t deal with gross smells. This was my gross mess to deal with. I procrastinated since I figured I would just throw out the whole pot in the garbage and be done with it in one easy step. So I waited and finally took care of it today. Roughly three months later the pea soup is finally gone (thank goodness the pot managed to be saved).

What does any of this really mean? If people would just deal with the things that they didn’t want to deal with sooner than later, we could all move a little bit closer to where we want in life. It might just be having a clean & more spacious fridge, getting to use a pot again that had been out of commission for 3 months in fridge oblivion, or it might be finding a new job and doing something that makes you happier. As I’ve gotten older and possibly matured I have discovered that there is a difference between being stubborn and being opinionated. You can have opinions & values that you want to hold tight to and be a person of integrity, but when one is stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, nobody wins.